
How to Screen Record on iPhone

Learning how to record your screen on your iPhone is a great way to make your own videos or preserve a FaceTime call with a loved one. Luckily, learning how to screen record on your iPhone is pretty easy. If you have iOS 14 or later, the steps outlined below will work for you.

iPhone Screen Recording Steps

Here are the general steps for how to screen record on an iPhone running iOS 14 or later:

  1. From your iPhone home screen, navigate to Settings and tap to enter it. The settings icon looks like round, gray-and-black gears nested inside each other—if you have trouble finding it, search for it in your App Library.
  2. Once in the Settings menu, scroll to Control Center and tap to see these settings; scroll down to More Controls.
  3. Tap the Add button next to Screen Recording—this button is a green circle with a white plus sign inside. This will add the Screen Recording option to your iPhone’s Control Center screen.
  4. Open Control Center by swiping down from the top-right corner of your iPhone’s screen. Here you should see the addition of a gray-and-white Record button, which includes the universal symbol for recording.
  5. Tap the Record button. A three-second countdown will begin, then you’ll be recording your screen—indicated by the Record button symbol flashing red.
  6. Tap the Record button again to stop recording.
  7. Find your new screen recording in your iPhone photos app.

Congratulations! You’ve made your very first screen recording using your iPhone.

How to Screen Record on iPhone with Audio

There are two kinds of audio that can be captured when you screen record with your iPhone: in-app sounds and ambient sounds, such as your own voice and sounds around you. We’ll outline the steps for engaging and disengaging both kinds of audio recording.

iPhone Screen Recording with In-App Sounds

To capture the sounds made in an app when you record your iPhone screen, you need to ensure that you’ve given Microphone access to that app:

  1. From your iPhone home screen, tap on the Settings icon.
  2. Scroll to the Privacy icon, which looks like a hand on a blue background, and tap.
  3. Scroll to the Microphone icon and tap.
  4. Toggle the button next to the app you’d like to record sound of during a screen recording to allow Microphone access.

You can leave this setting on if you’d like or revoke microphone access after recording if you’d prefer.

iPhone Screen Recording with Your Voice & Ambient Sounds

If you’d like to narrate your iPhone screen recording or simply include the sounds around you during your recording, follow these steps to enable your Microphone at the same time as you begin your recording:

  1. Open your iPhone’s Control Center by swiping down from the top-right corner of the screen.
  2. Tap and hold—or 3D Touch—the Record button to bring up additional recording options.
  3. Tap the Microphone button at the bottom of the screen to toggle Microphone recording on.
  4. Tap “Start Recording” to being the countdown.

Note that once the Microphone has been toggled on for iPhone screen recording, it will continue recording during future screen recordings unless you toggle off the option.

How Do You Avoid Pop-Ups & Notifications when You Screen Record on iPhone?

If you need to ensure that nothing interrupts your iPhone screen recording, you’ll want to turn on Do Not Disturb temporarily:

  1. From your iPhone home screen, tap on the Settings icon.
  2. Scroll to Do Not Disturb, the icon for which is blue with a crescent moon on it.
  3. Turn on Do Not Disturb.

Don’t forget to turn off Do Not Disturb when you’re done making your iPhone screen recordings.

What if an App Won’t Let Me Record the Screen on My iPhone?

Some applications block the ability to record your iPhone screen, usually because of privacy reasons or copyright laws. You’ll know an app won’t let you record your screen if your video is blank. The Terms of Service of the app likely indicate that you agree not to record the app during use—so don’t!

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